Price compensation
Do not pay more than you have to.
If you will find the same stay on another page cheaper, we will refund the difference.
It is necessary to contact us while you made a booking through our web site, at least 24 hours before your arrival. You have to prove us the cheaper offer which has to be still valid at the time of the check.
When can I ask a refund?
The competitie offer (CO) has to be in the same period.
CO has to be in the same of capacity and same type of room
The CO has to have the same cancelation and other conditions.

CO is listed on a web site that does not show the facility nor the type of accommodation it covers and these information are showed only after making reservation.
CO is part of loyalty program.
CO is a special action or offer..
... and how to request a refund?
Log in to your account and open a section Show all bookings or you can open the exact reservation and click on Found this room cheaper elsewhere?
You do not have the account? You can sign up using your booking number and pin.
You can always write us.